Becoming a successful entrepreneur isn’t just about coming up with a viable business idea and hoping it scales. If you want to build a profitable company, you’ll need to test your idea and refine your processes to ensure you’re creating a product or service that customers will gladly pay for. Part of your entrepreneurial journey is going to be spent conducting market research as you tweak your business idea to fit consumer demand.
To make the most of your research time, it is imperative you build a resource list of top tools you can turn to whenever you need to understand your market better. Review the following roundup of top market research tools for entrepreneurs, detailed by IdeaPros, a Super Venture Partner that guides entrepreneurs with great ideas through the complexities and pitfalls of the startup world.
Consider which tools can help you comprehend the intricacies of your business sector:
Validately is a must-discover tool for entrepreneurs. Whether you want to interview beta testers for a mobile app or talk one-on-one with visitors to your website, you can do so thanks to this helpful market research tool. Test products on mobile and desktop devices, review detailed analytics to understand results, and export data to share with your marketing team.
If customer outreach is on your audience analysis roadmap, you’ll want to add Aytm to your entrepreneur’s resource list. This effective platform makes it easy to not only create audience surveys but to connect with survey respondents too. Create targeted surveys to help you understand your user base, review responses with background details on everything from gender and age to ethnicity and employment status. If you only add one audience analysis tool to your entrepreneur’s bag-of-tricks, Aytm might be your best bet.
“Part of your challenge as an entrepreneur is understanding your market. You can’t expect to dominate a market sector if you’re not aware of the movements and needs of your customers,” stated Frederick Cary, Executive Chairman & Co-Founder of IdeaPros. Proved is a top tool for entrepreneurs who want to understand market demand for a product or app before launching. Create a prototype and solicit feedback, validate a business idea prior to writing code, or review potential roadblocks before you release an alpha/beta version of your website.
Building an arsenal of go-to market research tools is an excellent way to move your company ahead in a fast and efficient manner. By having a ready supply of resources you can utilize to understand your market, you ensure you’re not wasting valuable time conducting audience research that could be better spent on perfecting your product.
About IdeaPros: IdeaPros is a Super Venture Partner that guides entrepreneurs with great ideas through the complexities and pitfalls of the startup world. Set on elevating the success rate of new innovative products and apps, their team leverages their collective experience to create demand among consumers and maximize upside potential for their partners.