Instant Pot is indeed very useful tool you can have. It can help you to cook almost everything, easier and faster. Just say it, if you want to have soup, beef and even fried rice for your meal, instant pot can become the right tool to use. The result will also become really great if you know how to do it. However, can we use it for making baby food? As we all know, there is no specific button on the instant pot to make baby food. But, the answer to that question is yes, you can use it to make baby food. You just need to use this simple trick.
Firstly, prepare the ingredient. There are many kinds of fruits and vegetable that you can use here. Here, we have an example of how to make baby food from carrot.
How to Cook It
Prepare some carrots. It depends on the size of your instant pot that you have. If you have a bigger one, you can put more carrot in it. Just make sure, the amount of carrot you cook inside is right, so it can be cooked thoroughly. To make it easier to cook, cut the carrot into small piece. Doesn’t need to be too small, just cut it so it’s fit with the pot size. Add enough water inside.
Then, cook it in the high-pressure setting for about 15 minutes. After that, strain the carrot and leave around half of the water that you used for cooking before. Let it cool down a bit, and after that use blender, a hand blender is a good choice, to make puree from that cooked carrot. Now, you have your own baby food. You can put it inside the jar, close it tightly and put it in the fridge for tomorrow.
What You Should Understand
If you want to make baby food using instant pot, make sure you ask your pediatrician first. Just make sure that it’s okay for your baby. Usually, if your baby is 6 months old or older, you can start giving them the baby food like this one. So, actually, this is a good alternative besides breast milk.
The Benefits
The good thing about cooking baby food using instant pot is it’s healthier. Amanda Capriglione, owner of Food Balance Inc. and the Mommy and Me RD, and also a registered dietician, the food (vegetables and fruits) that you cook in instant pot has more nutrient than another cooking method. The cooking process is much faster, which make most of the nutrient inside the food will keep intact in it. Therefore, your baby will get more nutrients with this cooking method.
The other benefits are you can save more money. Compared with the baby food product you can find on the store, you only need to spend half of its price and you get three times more baby food from instant pot method. Therefore, if you have a baby, it is a good idea to have instant pot or pressure cooker in your kitchen. It will be proved very useful.